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Metering towards operational profficiency


Organized by the Argentinian Institute of Oil and Gas’s Measurements Committee,

it will take place on August 22 and 23, 2024, in the city of Buenos Aires.


This Workshop is an invitation to share and review past experiences and developments in the area of oil and gas measurements, involving all the industry branches: Upstream, Midstream and Downstream.

The new legal framework, along with the new technologies and industry needs, brings measurements into

focus in order to move forward in the development of new projects.






Sharing experiences

Getting acquainted with new technologies

Enhancing knowledge

Relating to othe experts in metering



Organizing Committee


Chairman: Darío Puebla - TERMAP

Vice Chairman: Sergio Ciamparella - TGS




1. Technological innovation

2. National legal framework

3. International technical regulations

4. New technologies

5. New applications

6. Oil and gas measurement systems




7. Oil and gas manual/automatic sampling

8. Gauging systems

9. Devices’ diagnostics method

10. Assessment of differences between measurements

11. Measurement as the foundation of data science

12. Data security and protection in energy metering

13. Automation and control in the field of energy metering




Submission of Technical Papers

Those interested in submitting a technical paper to the 3rd Measurement Workshop on Oil & Gas Upstream and Downstream shall forward their proposals (abstracts) through the SISCON (Congresses’ Website) within the time limit defined in the submissions’ schedule.


The Workshop’s Technical and Organizing Committee shall select the best contributions, therefore drafting the technical paper’s proposal in an effective manner is really important.


The number of works to be accepted shall depend on the event’s programme duration, the topics to be approached, and the quantity and quality of the received proposals.


Selection criteria

The abstract shall clearly show that your work:

• Contributes to the oil and/or gas technology, particularly in the field identified as the workshop’s technical focus, or either offers other information of immediate concern to the field’s experts.

• Has no commercial nature or does not advertise for certain companies, products or services.

• Shows technically appropriate information.

• Introduces new knowledge or experiences whose contents have not been previously published.



Note: The abstract’s approval shall not entail the automatic approval of the final Technical Paper. Once the interested party has been given notice of his/her abstract´s approval, he/she shall be able to upload the final Technical Paper to SISCON for its review.


Submission of the final Technical Paper

Upon the abstract’s approval, the final Technical Paper shall be submitted in Power Point format only (a Word document is not required). The presentation shall be uploaded to SISCON for its final evaluation by the Technical Committee.


The Technical Paper must be unpublished, have no commercial purpose and include no advertising material.

It may be submitted either in Spanish or English (the same language shall be used in all its associated submissions).

The approved Power Point version of the final Technical Paper must be the same that shall be used during its oral presentation in the auditorium where the Workshop shall take place.

After the Workshop, final papers shall be gathered with their authors’ prior consent, to be uploaded to the workshop’s website



To present their papers, authors shall be required to register to the Congress.


Submission of Technical Papers +INFO


Link to upload the abstract and technical paper: SISCon


Instructions for uploading an abstract click


Until 6/17/24

Deadline to submit final paper in Power Point format.

Notice of abstract’s acceptance to authors.

Papers’ submission schedule

Until 4/16/24

As of 4/22/24

Deadline for abstracts’ submission.

As of 7/22/24

Notice of final paper’s acceptance to authors.


Auditorio Techint

Della Paolera 222, CABA


Instituto Argentino del Petróleo y del Gas

Maipú 639, C1006ACG Buenos Aires, Argentina

Phone: (54 11) 5277 4274


August 22~23, 2024

Autonomous City of Buenos Aires

Instituto Argentino del Petróleo y del Gas

Maipú 639 (C1006ACG) - Tel: (54 11) 5277 IAPG (4274)

Buenos Aires - Argentina

Copyright © 2024, Instituto Argentino del Petróleo y del Gas,todos los derechos reservados